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  • Te Reo Māori is an endangered language. In order for it to thrive, we must all breath life into it by speaking and conversing in Te Reo Māori. This includes in the classroom, in our homes, in the community and in the wider world! 
  • There is no other country in the whole world where you can learn to speak this beautiful language. 
  • Te Reo Māori is the indigenous and first language of our nation. 
  • What makes us unique and special as kiwis is our unique and beautiful indigenous culture. We can all connect with our ‘kiwiness’ through Te Reo me ōna Tikanga Māori, and showcase our unique gifts to the rest of the world! 
  • In most other developed countries, children can speak 2-3 languages. If our tamariki are to be leaders and stand confidently on the world stage, it is important for them to be able to effectively learn another's language. What better language to learn than the one we already have! 
  • The Treaty of Waitangi, our founding document, states that all Māori have the right to speak and learn their own language. The NEG’s and NAG’s stipulate that school’s must meet their obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi. Ka Hikitia and Tātaiako provide support for schools and teachers to be able to do this effectively. 
  • Last but not least, it’s cool to kōrero!

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